23 May 1973
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Management and Services
1. This memorandum responds to the Director's request for a report of any involvement in any capacity since 1 January 1969 with Messrs. Hunt, McCord, Liddy, Young, or Krogh.
2. I have had none with Hunt, Liddy or Young.
3. My McCord contact with indirect and occurred sometime during the late 1960s when I was Director, Office of Computer Services. I opposed plans for Technical Division, Office of Security (under Mr. McCord) to acquire a separate computer for its In-Place Monitoring System. [...] of DD/S&T (then ORD) was the computer individual working with TD and, I think, would have details.
4. The Krogh contact also was indirect and involved his request, first through OMB, that CIA fund foreign travel on behalf of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control. Individual phone discussions are noted in the attached. The Agency focal points were [...] and [...]. I understand [...] has forwarded relevant documentation. Copies of memoranda from Messrs. Krogh, [...] and Colby are attached also.
5. I held a staff meeting yesterday to pass the request to all OPPB employees. One officer who was attending a funeral will not be available until tomorrow.
/s/ Charles A. Briggs
Charles A. Briggs
Director of Planning,
Programming, and Budgeting
MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Management and Services
1. This memorandum responds to the Director's request for a report of any involvement in any capacity since 1 January 1969 with Messrs. Hunt, McCord, Liddy, Young, or Krogh.
2. I have had none with Hunt, Liddy or Young.
3. My McCord contact with indirect and occurred sometime during the late 1960s when I was Director, Office of Computer Services. I opposed plans for Technical Division, Office of Security (under Mr. McCord) to acquire a separate computer for its In-Place Monitoring System. [...] of DD/S&T (then ORD) was the computer individual working with TD and, I think, would have details.
4. The Krogh contact also was indirect and involved his request, first through OMB, that CIA fund foreign travel on behalf of the Cabinet Committee on International Narcotics Control. Individual phone discussions are noted in the attached. The Agency focal points were [...] and [...]. I understand [...] has forwarded relevant documentation. Copies of memoranda from Messrs. Krogh, [...] and Colby are attached also.
5. I held a staff meeting yesterday to pass the request to all OPPB employees. One officer who was attending a funeral will not be available until tomorrow.
/s/ Charles A. Briggs
Charles A. Briggs
Director of Planning,
Programming, and Budgeting