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Project BLUEBIRD Research Studies


All project personnel and agents will have the appropriate security clearance.


a. Field personnel concerned with this project will function under U.S. Government cover applicable to the Field Mission or Station to which they are assigned.

b. There will be established a research foundation, [...], under the direction of [...] will have an overt function to study Human Ecology, the relation between men and their environment and the relation between the social environment and human illness. The high order of the aims and purposes of this overt research program will be in accord with the professional standards which prevail at this institution and will effectively conceal the actual purpose and degree of Agency participation. The cover purpose of this Foundation will be to carry out the domestic phase of this project in line with the task and objectives set forth herein.

NOTE: The following attachments are pertinent to the cover organization and provide additional background on the formulation and scope of this activity:

a. Overt Protocol for the [...]

b. Diagram of the Organizational Breakdown of the [...]

c. Narrative Description of the Overt and Covert Activities of [...]

c [sic]. Case officer contact with individual agent personnel will be worked out on a case basis depending on the actual circumstances of the developmental operation. Agent personnel directly involved in activities within the cover Foundation will be unwitting.


All Staff, Contract and Consultant personnel will be U.S. citizens, fully cleared prior to participation in this project. As U.S. citizens they are subject to espionage laws and regulations. Particular emphasis is being placed on selection of the above mentioned personnel in view of the sensitive nature of the project. Agent personnel processed under this project will be thoroughly and professionally assessed to determine basic motivation and control factors. These factors will be re-inforced through the application of additional psychiatric and psychological techniques, methods and skills including the use of hypnosis in conjunction with drugs where applicable.


There will be a definite need within the project for certain scientific laboratory equipment. An estimate of the cost of this material will be set forth in para (16) below. In addition to scientific equipment, office material, including safes, desks, typewriters and stationery will also be required. Special operational equipment including S/W material and other communication equipment for use in specific operations will be requested under individual sub-projects.


This project was originated at Headquarters. In view of the sensitive nature of the proposed objectives and tasks, coordination will be on a strict need to know basis.


As previously indicated, the Agency has done considerable research and has undertaken various activities in the past that will directly contribute to this project. Maximum utilization will be made of knowledge already gained and assets available through existing programs at Headquarters and in the Field. Considerable groundwork has already been laid in connection with the establishment of [...]. Certain key personnel have already been cleared and steps taken to formally establish the cover [...] upon approval of this project. A progressive plan has been worked out for initiating the activities of the cover [...]. These activities have been broken down into five separate research projects under the direction of the [...]. A brief description of these research projects and an estimated date of commencement follows: (see attachment C for additional details)

1. Study of [...], 1 October 1954

2. Effect of Chemical Agents on Bodily Functions, Mentation and Attitudes, 1 September 1954

3. Other Factors Effecting Behavior, Mentation, and Attitudes, 1 October 1954.

4. Methods of Assessing Behavior, Motivation, Attitude and Adaptive Capacities, immediately upon approval of the project.

5. Consultative Service for Relevant Agency Problems; Special Services, immediately upon approval of the project.

The dates given above are tentative and contingent upon the availability of cleared personnel. In most cases preliminary research will commence immediately upon approval of the project.



Director [...] $9,000
Executive Director $10,000
Agency Liaison Officer $10,800
Research Analyst $5,940
Research Psychologist 2x $6,000 = $12,000
Psychiatrist $3,500
Cultural Anthropologist $2,000
Sociologist $2,000
Laboratory Technicians 2 x $2,500 = $5,000
Hypnotic Technician $1,500
Hypnotic Specialist 3 x $1,000 = $3,000
Neurologist $4,000
Research Associate (Sociology) $3,750
Secretary and Clerk Typist 3 x $3,000 = $9,000
Agents (Student Fellowship) 8 x $3,500 = $28,000
Char Force 2 x $1,500 = $3,000

Total Compensation = $112,490


This figure covers general office equipment, including desks, typewriters, files and safes, and stationery supplies; recording equipment; and special scientific equipment.

Total Equipment $20,000


This figure covers domestic and foreign travel and per diem for project personnel.

Total Travel and Per Diem $15,000


This fund will be made available as required to the Director, [...] for operational expenses, including grants to additional students representing potential agents not covered elsewhere in the project; and operational entertainment.

Total Contingency Fund $15,000


This figure includes the rent, renovation and utilities of office space for project personnel and operational safe house facilities. Office space for project personnel will be rented from the [...]


regulation which would prevent the departure from the United States of [...] who had received certain professional and/or technical training in this country.

d. In view of the sensitive nature of some of the scientific techniques to be employed in specific operational situations under this project, special coordination will be required. This coordination will include the approval, for specific activity, Deputy Director/Plans and Director, Office Security.


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