5 June 1973
MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General
1. Two items in the attached memorandum had not previously been reported. The first: "-- Use of CIA funds and facilities to [...] for FBI and provision of technical equipments by NSA [...] for use against a [...].
2. In a follow-up meeting with Mr. Clarke, he advised that involved here was the use of funds appropriated for CIA being given to the FBI in cashiers checks for the purpose of [...]. There was also Agency help given in [...]. Further, other CIA monies in cashiers checks were given to NSA who, with some [...] assistance, was working on [...]. Mr. Clarke said he thought the only problem here was in the use of funds, not in the operation. He thought the only source of additional information on this subject was Mr. [...] of the DDO/CI Staff.
3. The second item: "-- Use of CIA funds to help State Department defer Presidential representational expenses of President Lyndon B. Johnson's trip to Southeast Asia."
4. Mr. Clarke said the total amount of money requested by State Department was $3,000,000 but that the Director would not agree to this amount. The Director did supply funds in those instances where some operational activity was involved or could be inferred, i.e., [...] Mr. Clarke was not sure of the amount of Agency funds used. He felt that only Colonel White could supply additional details. He said Senator Russell and Representative Mahon were advised of this Agency activity but asked not to be briefed in detail.
[name redacted]
MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General
1. Two items in the attached memorandum had not previously been reported. The first: "-- Use of CIA funds and facilities to [...] for FBI and provision of technical equipments by NSA [...] for use against a [...].
2. In a follow-up meeting with Mr. Clarke, he advised that involved here was the use of funds appropriated for CIA being given to the FBI in cashiers checks for the purpose of [...]. There was also Agency help given in [...]. Further, other CIA monies in cashiers checks were given to NSA who, with some [...] assistance, was working on [...]. Mr. Clarke said he thought the only problem here was in the use of funds, not in the operation. He thought the only source of additional information on this subject was Mr. [...] of the DDO/CI Staff.
3. The second item: "-- Use of CIA funds to help State Department defer Presidential representational expenses of President Lyndon B. Johnson's trip to Southeast Asia."
4. Mr. Clarke said the total amount of money requested by State Department was $3,000,000 but that the Director would not agree to this amount. The Director did supply funds in those instances where some operational activity was involved or could be inferred, i.e., [...] Mr. Clarke was not sure of the amount of Agency funds used. He felt that only Colonel White could supply additional details. He said Senator Russell and Representative Mahon were advised of this Agency activity but asked not to be briefed in detail.
[name redacted]