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Contacts with Other U.S. Government Agencies Which Could or Have Resulted in use of CIA-Developed Technology in Addressing Domestic Problems

Executive Office of the President
ORD represents DD/S&T on the R&D Sub-Committee of the Cabinet Committee for International Narcotics Control that is concerned with research support of the narcotics control problem.

(Dr. Leonard Laster, OST)

Office of Telecommunications Policy
Technical surveillance countermeasures and physical security information was exchanged with them.

Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD)
Techniques and equipment for navigation and tracking was discussed with BNDD.

Audio tapes were processed to improve their intelligibility. The source of the tapes was unknown.

BNDD was given permission in the fall of 1972 to receive proposals from Aerospace, Inc., concerning a Radar People Detector developed for OSD.

USIB Technical Surveillance Countermeasures Committee
Continuing contacts were maintained with the intelligence community regarding technical surveillance countermeasures and physical security. This exchange of information, reports, and equipment has been conducted under the auspices of USIB TSCC and involves State, FBI, Secret Service, NSA, DIA, Army, AF, and Navy.

State Department
Two contracts for development of countermeasures techniques were funded jointly with the State Department.

Atomic Energy Commission (AEC)
Some of the AEC Laboratories, e.g., Savannah River Laboratory, are supported by CIA to develop radio nuclide sampling and detection techniques and devices. These Laboratories have used sampling techniques developed for CIA to measure CONUS nuclear plant releases.

(Mr. B. Benson, AEC)

At the request of AEC Security Officer, Mr. Richard Cowan, the walls of the office of the Chairman of the AEC (then Mr. Schlesinger) were X-rayed. The operation occurred one evening and was an attempt to resolve some anomalies created by the use of the [...]

(Mr. Richard Cowan, AEC)

Law Enforcement Assistance Agency (LEAA)
Reports and information about the ORD-developed Adhesive Restraint, Non-Lethal Incapacitation System were made available to Department of Justice, LEAA in August 1972. If they developed the system, it would be used for civilian crowd and riot control.

(Mr. Les Schubin, LEAA)

Technical surveillance countermeasures and physical security information were exchanged with LEAA.

[...] is being detailed to Treasury Department to assist in formulating their R&D program and organization in anticipation of the establishment of the new drug enforcement administration. The request for his services was made by [...] the Agency's Narcotics Coordinator. Mr. [...] discussed the request and cleared the detailing through Mr. Colby.

Customs/Treasury Department
Technical discussions were held with Customs relating to detecting illicit nighttime aircraft intrusions over the U.S.-Mexico border.

(Mr. Martin Pera, Customs)

Alcohol & Tobacco Tax Div/IRS
About five years ago, assistance was requested in domestic search of "moonshine" stills using CIA infrared scanners. This was turned down.

Secret Service
We have had numerous discussions with the Secret Service regarding navigation and tracking techniques and equipment.

Federal Aviation Agency (FAA)
The results of our research work in the detection of metals [...] were reported to FAA for possible use in the detection of hijacker weapons.

National Institute of Health (NIH)
At the request of ORD, OCS assigned a staff technician to undertake to write a computer program for the Wisswesser Line Notation (WLN) chemical notation method. This work was done in cooperation with NIH.

(Ms. Coniver, NIH)

Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA)
ORD met frequently with ACDA personnel in order to structure ORD's BW/CW research programs to support ACDA needs.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Technical information relating to detection of radio nuclides in the environment was exchanged with them.

(Mr. Charles Weaver, EPA)

Technical discussions relating to using IR scanning equipment to detect underground fires in a sanitary land fill have been conducted.

(Mr. Gene James, EPA)

Federal Bureau of Investigation
At their request, we described Imagery Enhancement techniques germane to removing distortions from some photography they had on an alleged bank robber. Request for specific support in processing the imagery was turned down.

Secret Service
U.S. Customs

[...] total contact with other agencies in terms of assistance with domestic operations has been in the field of audio surveillance conutermeasures, anti-hijacking, or drugs.

(Mr. Robert Burnell, SS)
(Mr. Thomas Allen, FBI)
(Mr. Martin Pera, Customs)

We have an on-going program, [...] to [...] for earth resources assessments.

(Mr. William Ruble, USDA)
(Mr. Leonard Jaffe, NASA)
(General Smart)

Proposed Use of NASA ERTS Satellite (Agency association would be SECRET)
The Agency is preparing a proposal for an experimental program to aid in estimating the Soviet wheat crop. A part of the information would be obtained from a satellite launched for other announced programs. Ground-truth data will be collected on North American crops.

U.S. Department of Agriculture and Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs
CIA has requested the establishment of a two-acre plot of opium poppies at a USDA research site in Washington state, to be used for tests of photo-recognition of opium poppies.

Army, Military Police Agency, Ft. Gordon Air Force, Office of the Inspector General Army, Office of Provost Marshall General
We have exchanged technical surveillance countermeasures and physical security information with them.

U.S. Army
Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Newport Army Ammunition Plant, Toelle Ordnance Depot

ORD tested environmental samples from testing, storage and production facilities in the U.S.

U.S. Army, Edgewood Arsenal
ORD is sharing expenses with EA in field testing [...]

U.S. Navy

U.S. Coast Guard
About six years ago, CIA infrared equipment was made available for USCG tests to evaluate IR as a means for night search of life boats.

(then-Lt. James McIntosh, USCG)

San Mateo County Sheriff's Office
ORD conducted polygraph tests on all applicants. Polygraph security findings were compared with the Sheriff's own security findings.


A study was made on con-men techniques and assessment methods in 1967-68.


Chief, [...] Police
For security reasons, the Chief was made aware of a study to evaluate attempts [...] to penetrate [...] social groups. (1967)

(Police Chief)


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